Please click here for Moodle (LMS)
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1. Physics:
2. Physics: Forced Oscillator
3. Physics: Dielectrics video lecture
4. Physics: Circuit Theorem
5. English: Videos on business English developed by students
6. Zoology :
Science and Computer Science Departments associated with Virtual Lab of Amrita Vidyapeethm and IITs.
Faculty and Students studying in Science and Computer Science have UserID and passwords. They can perform virutal experiments using this Virtual Lab and then actual experiment.
Students and teachers have to login on the above page to see and perform virtual experiment with their UserID. Students and Teachers shoud also give feedback.
1. Physics Google Classroom : Link to Classroom
2. Chemistry Google Clasrrom: Chemistry Classroom
3. Commerce Google Classroom: Commerce Classroom
4. Geography Google Classrooms: First Year Undergraduate
5. Economics Google Classroom: Economics Classroom
6. Zoology Google Classroom:
Link:-Google classroom M.Sc.
Link:-Google Classroom T.Y.B.Sc.
Link: Google Classroom T.Y.B.Sc. VI
Link: Google Classroom S.Y.B.Sc. I
Link: Google Classroom F.Y.B.Sc.
The English department of the college has created