Welcome To Mathematics Department

'First Batch of TYBSc (Mathematics)'

'First Prize of Objective Mathematics 2014-15'

'Selected for State level Avishkar Research Project Competition'

'Poster Competition 2014-15'

'Poster Competition 2014-15'

'Intercollegiate Mathematics Quiz Competition 2017-18'

'Intercollegiate Mathematics Quiz Competition 2017-18'

'MAAP 2018-19'

'MAAP 2018-19'

'MAAP 2018-19'

'poster presentation'

'Poster Competition'

'Avishkar competition 2022-23'

'Avishkar competition 2022-23'

'Avishkar competition 2022-23'

'Teacher day 2022-23'

'farewell 2022'

'Guest Lecture for Competetive Exam 2023-24'

'Guest Lecture for Competetive Exam 2023-24'

About the Department

Mathematics department is established in 1992 at subsidiary level and as per demand of students, TYBSc (Mathematics) started in 2014.

Name of the Program            B.Sc. Mathematics
Duration                                 3 Years (Semester System)
 Name of the program  M.Sc. Mathematics
 Duration  2 years (Semester System)
Syllabus                                  F.Y.B.Sc.S. Y. B. Sc.T.Y.B.Sc.



Our goal at Castlewood is to provide mathematics instruction that will encourage students to become accurate, efficient, and flexible problem solvers.


The Mission of the Department of Mathematics is to provide modern scientific and quality education through an integrated and balanced education system. We want our young mathematicians to attain intellectual competence, analytical ability and ethical perfection so that they can contribute to the development of nation.

Teaching Methods

Studying Mathematics at Department of Mathematics, Prof. Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi, you will learn from a wide variety of teaching methods:

Lecture Methods                                                                                                     

Lectures last 48 minutes and there will be three per week for each first year courses and four lectures for each second and third year courses. Lectures take place in classrooms, with one teacher responsible for each course.

Laboratory Work                                                                                                    

There are practical course assigned to each year of study. First year, seond year and third year undergraduate students will have one practical course. During practical work student will have one practical session per week for each practical course. Students solve examples  for better understanding of Mathematics concepts.

Group problem solving                                                                                        

Since the primary goal in undergraduate Mathematics course is to help students build functional understanding in Mathematics, we focused on problem solving skills. For this purpose we pose problems in Mathematics to students. Groups are formed among students and the groups apply strategy in solving problems both in classroom. Teachers analyse problems solved by students. 

Google Classroom                                                                    

Google classroom facility is used by the faculty. Students are enrolled in the google classroom. Teaching-learning material, PowerPoint presentations are shared through google classroom. Students also share their work through this classroom. 


FYBSC Google classroom

SYBSC Google classroom

TYBSC Google classroom

FYBSC(comp Sci) Google classroom

SYBSC(Comp Sci) Google Classroom

Students can download notes from this link and they can also watch video lectures.

Co-curricular Activity

Department of Mathematics organizes a short term course on Objective Mathematics for Competitive Examinations, for science and computer science department students. In this course we cover problems on various topics such as ages & clocks, Profit, loss and percentage, simple and compound interest, probability, Verbal and non verbal series, problems on speed, distance & time etc.


 Every year Department of Mathematics organizes Mathematical Ability Awareness Programme (MAAP) on National Mathematics Day, birth anniversary of Indian Mathematician Shrinivas Ramanunjan on 22nd December.


 Under MAAP we arranged various activities for undergraduate students


Intercollegiate Mathematics Quiz Competition


Guest lectures of various dignitaries

Poster Competition

Department motivates students for participation in various activities like MTTS, Madhava Mathematics Competition, Avishkar research Project Competition.

MAAP-Facebook Page

MAAP-Facebook page

ICT in Teaching

Mathematics Software - Scilab

ICT Tools Developed by Faculty

Calculus Education Software