Welcome To Zoology Department

'poster competition'

'MANAV-HUMAN- ATLAS Initiative in association with IISER,PUNE'

'Hands on training in Molecular biology under DBT '

'Summer school on recent advances in life science under DBTStar college scheme '

'Summer school on recent advances in life science under DBTStar college scheme '

'Expert talk By Dr. Mayurika Lahiri,IISER,Pune'

About Department


Department of Zoology of Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Akurdi, Pune. was established in the year 1992. The progress of the department has been commendable and within a span of 25 years we have successfully started the Postgraduate program (2003-04), M.Phil. Program and Ph.D. program (2013-14) in Zoology affiliated to the esteemed Savitribai phule Pune University. The Department caters education in both classical and applied aspects of the subject. The research areas include Entomology, Insect Biochemistry, Physiology, Environmental Biology.The department is headed by Dr. Abdulkarim A. Shaikh and is empowered by very talented and experienced faculties which include Dr. Abhay Khandagle, Dr. Rashmi Morey and Dr. Ranjeeta Chatterjee. Dr. Abhay Khandagle has been recognized for his teaching by the Savitribai Phule Pune University by the prestigious Best Teacher Award. The department faculty has  successfully completed Various research projects (Funded by UGC and BCUD). The department is supported by DBT STAR College scheme and DST FIST.To fulfill the regional needs the department has started a Short Term course in Medical Laboratory Technician. People often comment on the friendly and academic ambience in the department and we prize that aspect of our environment.  We aim to provide a supportive and open atmosphere for everyone who works here, staff, students and visitors alike. We value all members of the Department and are working hard to enhance quality of education. 

Name of Programme                      B.Sc. Zoology
Duration                                          3 Years (Semester Pattern) (CBCS)
Syallabus                                        F.Y.B.Sc.S.Y.B.Sc.T.Y.B.Sc. 





Name of Programme                      M.Sc. Zoology 
Duration                                          2 Years ( Credit System)
Syallabus                                        M.Sc.IM.Sc.II





Name of programme                      M.Phil and Ph.D. 
Duration                                         M.Phil Minimum 1 Year; Ph.D. Minimum-3 Year
Syallabus                                        M.Phil.,  Ph.D. Zoology Syllabus 02.07.2021.pdf






 The holistic development of the student and make them able to contribute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic era.


Theme - Aspire, Hard work & achieve the goal.

Provide inexpensive educational services, sound education in basic science, inspire to all the section of society to get expertise /skills at P.G. and above level in biological sciences.

To develop research aptitude and a scientific advancement.

Inculcate high values through a liberal education and also to provide platform to have non-formal educational services.

To bring about an awareness regarding nature and biodiversity and help to solve different problems to establish sound and peaceful environment and life for community and society.

Provide a broad range of transformed society through the empowerment of youth.

Reinvent ourselves in response to the changing demands of society with high moral values as a good citizen and inculcate high values through a liberal education.

Provide a broad range of non-formal educational services too.


List of research equipments procured through various funding agencies:             

1. UV- VIS Spectrophotometer (2)

2. VIS spectrophotometer (2)

3. Colorimeter (6)

4. pH meter (4)

5. Mini centrifuge (02)

6. Centrifuge (1)

7. BOD incubator

8. UV- trans illuminator

9. UV- cabinet

10. Hot plates (2)

11. Circulating water bath 01

12. Laminar air flow

13. Hot water bath (2)

14. Gel electrophoresis units (vertical and horizontal) 04

15. Research microscope 02

16. Digital microphotography system 01

17. Microfuge 01

18. MLX- TR Research microscope 01

19. Stereo microscopes

20. Binocular Dissecting microscopes

 Research Area:-          

Vector Management




Urban Entomology

Insect Physiology and Biochemistry


Diversity and Taxonomy

Molecular Systematics and Taxonomy

 Equipments Developed in Laboratory                                      

Vermicomposting on college campus.

Insect rearing in the Laboratory.

Making Fish Museum.

Developemet of Aquarium.

Video Lectures and PowerPoints developed by Faculty:-         

Total Protein Estimation by Lowry Method-https://www.slideshare.net/AbhayKhandagle/lowry-method-for-protein-estimation.

Revised guidlines for NAAC-https://www.slideshare.net/AbhayKhandagle/assessment-and-accreditationrevised-process-affiliatedconstituent-colleges

Biochemistry Lab-Biochemistry lab

Teaching Methods

Lecture Methods                                                                                                     

There will be three lectures per week for each F.Y. B.Sc. course and four lectures per week for S.Y. B.Sc. and T.Y. B.Sc. per Course. Total Duration for per lecture is 48 minutes.

For M.Sc. Programme the lecture duration is one hours.There are 2,3 and 4 lectures per week for the 2 credit, 3 credit and 4 credit courses respectively.

Laboratory Work                                                                                                    

There are practical course assigned to each year of study. First year and seond year undergraduate will have one practical course. Third year undergraduate will have three practical courses.During practical work student will perform only one practical per week for each practical course. The duration of practical session is 3 hours.

In addition to the practicals prescribed in the curriculum, additional practicals are conducted for all undergraduate students through the DBT- STAR college Scheme.

For the M.Sc. Programme is theory course has a corresponding practical course. The duration of practical session is 3 hours  except for courses like Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Immunology where thr duration of practical session is 4 hours.

Project work:-

The postgraduate  students have an option of undertaking research project in their second year.This research project is of 4 credit.

The advance learners of the undergraduate programme are also given mini projects on topics in basics zoology.

ICT in Zoology Teaching                                                                                        

The deparment has LCD projector and LCD TV facility in addition to desktops, laptop and internet connection.

Various ICT methods are used for teaching purpose:

PowerPoint presentations

Animation videos

Youtube videos

Video lectures on different concepts in zoology are shown to study on LCD TV  during practical session. Videos of animal dissection demonstrations are shown to the students.

Google Classroom                                                                                               

Google classroom facility is used by the faculty. Students are enrolled in the google classroom. course syallabus, Teaching-learning material, PowerPoint presentations are shared through google classroom. Students also share their work through this classroom. 

Link:-Google Classroom-M.Sc.-I

Link:-Google Classroom-M.Sc-II

Link: Google Classroom S.Y.B.Sc. I

Link: Google Classroom S.Y.B.Sc. II

Link: Google Classroom F.Y.B.Sc.

Link: T.Y.B.Sc. Classroom


e-PG Pathshala            

 An MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) has initiated e-PG Pathshala for the developement of e-content,executed by the UGC. 

 The link for e-PG Pathshala-Link :-e-pathshala- Zoology 


Biochemistry- Biochemistry




Environmental Science-Environmental Science

Forensic Science-Forensic Science

Human Rights-Human Rights and Duties

Virtual Lab                   

Department of Zoology is associated with Virtual Lab of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeethm.Using virtual lab students and facaulty can perform virtual experiment before performing the the actual experement. The students are provided with User ID and password for the use of virtual lab.

Link:-Virtual laboratory

Neurophysiology- Link- Neurophysiology

Biochemistry-I and II- Link-Biochemistry-I,Biochemistry-II

Immunology- ImmunologyI and Imuunology-II

Molecular Biology- Molecular Biology-I,Molecular Biology-II

Cell Biology- Cell Biology-I,Cell Biology-II

Ecology- Ecology Lab

Experiential Learning

Field Visit are arrangerd for students to various water bodies and bio-diversity areas for learning collection and preservation methods of organism.

Visits to various National Educational and Research Institutes are organised by the Department for students to know more about the recent trends in the field of Zoology and Life Sciences. Students are encouraged to participate in the preparing and maintaince of vermicompost on college campus.Insect rearing, aquarium making, Fish Museum preparation are practiced in the department.

 Collaborative Learning:

Eminent faculties from various institutes and organizations are invited to deliver lectures and organize classes for different courses:

  • Beekeeping
  • Vermiculture
  • Medical Laboratory Techniques

Participative Learning:

The department conduct various participative learning methodology for the holistic development of the students. These activity based learning mode involves:

  • Group discussion on various syllabus related topics
  • Debate on relevent topics like ban on dissection, use of social media in learning etc.
  • Seminar and extempore for presentation of topics from syllabus
  • Quiz on lifesciences, zoology, environmental sustainibility, animals and nature
  • Students who are experienced Snake Catcher, deliver lecture on snake, snakebite, identification of snakes etc.

Faculty Achievements

Dr.Abhay Khandagle

  • Best teacher award of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 
  • Member of Board of Studies in Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 2010-2015.
  • Member of Facualty of Scienc and Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 2010-2015.
  • Co-ordinator of Board of Studies in Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 2015-2017.
  • Chairman of Board of Studies of Zoology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 2017-2022.
  • Member of Facualty of Science and Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune -2017-2022
  • Member of Academic Council, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 2017-2022.
  • Reviewer for journal- Annals of Natural Science, 2018
  • Member of Editorial Board - Asian Journal of Agriculture and Life Science, Nature and Environment, 2017-2018

Dr. R.A. Morey

  • Life Member of Indian Society of Cell Biology
  • Life Member of Society for Reproductive Biology and Comparative Endocrinology
  • Life member, National Academy of Vector Borne Diseases.

Dr. R. P. Chatterjee

  • Member of Editorial Board- Eastern Research Journal of Agriculture, Africa
  • Reviewer of- NEMIS Journal, African Journal of Environmental Strategies and Techniques, Palgo Journal.
  • Judge Panel: Association of Indian Universities - (2015 till date).

Prof. Akash Bagade

  • Qualified GATE in January 2018
  • Qualified UGC-NET in Nov. 2018.
  • Qualified MH-SET in- 2019


Students Achievements

Students Achievements 

  1. Mr. Avinsh Vanjare (M.Sc.Zoology) recieved "Silver Jubilee Award" for scoring highest marks in zoology, by University of Pune-2006
  2. Mr. Sharad Vipat (M.Sc.Zoology) recieved savitribai Phule Pune University"Shelar Mama Gold Medal"in 2012-13.
  3.  Ms. Pallavi Takawane (M.Phil.Zoology) was slected for state level Avishkar Competition in 2014.
  4. Mrs. Rucha Deshpande(Ph.D. Zoology) won the State level Avishkar Competition in 2018.
  5. Mr. Nihal Kazi and Omkar Daripkar were selected for University Level  Aviskar.
  6. Mr.Abhishek Ranaware qualified NET-JRF in  June 2015.
  7. Mr.Abhishek Ranaware qualified SET in January 2016.
  8. Mr. Gajanan Mane qualified NET in 2017.
  9. Mr. Gajanan Mane qualified NET-JRF in 2018.
  10. Mr. Yogesh Giri qualified NET-JRF in Nov.2018.




Curricular and Co- curriculur Activities:-

 Confrences organized

  • Organized National conference on "Advances in Life Scinces" on 20th and 21st December 2014.
  • Organized International Conference on "Frontiers in Life Sciences and Earth Sciences" on 18th and 19th January 2018.
  • Organized International Conference on "New Frontiers in Environmental and Allied Sciences" on 15th and 16th February 2019.

Major Activities:-

  • Organized educational visit to IISER-Pune on 9 Jan.2019
  • Organized foldscope- uses and assembly workshop for undergraduate students on 7th Jan.2019
  • Organized Hands on Training and Workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques for UG students. on 3rd and 4th Jan.2019.
  • Organized Environmental Awareness Rally on 28th July 2018 in nearby area.
  • Organized Summer school in Tools and Techiques in Biological Sciences from 2nd July to 7th July 2018.
  • Oraganized one day Workshop on Handling of UV-visible Spectrophotometry and Gel Electrophoresis on 17th Jan.2018.
  • Organized Hands on training in Basics of Histology 14th Jan.2018.
  • Oraganized workshop on Basics of Microscopy on 13th Jan.2018.
  • Oraganized one day Workshop on Bioinformatics on 16th Sept. 2017.
  • Oraganized one day Workshop on Beekeeping on 20th July 2017.
  • Organized lecture series by scientist from NARI, Pune  for UG students.14 July to 19 July 2017 
  • Organized workshop on NET SET for Postgraduate Students in the Year 2014-2015.
  • Organized Science Exhibhition on 12th December every year.
  • Organized Students Visits to Various educational and Research Institutes.
  • Organized Guest Lectures of various Eminent Scientists From Various Research Institutes for UG and PG Students.
  • Particiation in village survey each year througth the NSS camp activity.
  • Organized annual health check-up of school children.


Mentor System

Mentor System is well developed and successfully run by the department. All the faculty members are assigned students and they do take care of their curricular and cocurricular performances.

Dr. A. A. Shaikh: S.Y.B.Sc.

Dr. A. J. Khandagle: T.Y.B.Sc.

Dr. R. A. Morey: T.Y.B.Sc.

Dr. R. P. Chatterjee: S.Y.B.Sc.

Prof. B. Baidya: F.Y.B.Sc.


Memorandum of Understanding was done with:

1. Zoological Survey of India: 6th December 2010.

2. Ross Lifesciences: 29th January 2016.