Welcome To Geography Department

'Geography Week - Rangoli competition on Environment Awareness'

'Study Tour at Rajasthan - Jaisalmer'

'Publication of book written by Dr, Shrikant Karlekar'

'TYBA Geography student Mr. Prashant Nikam selected for RD parade New Delhi January 2019 felicitated by hon. Mr. Ajitdada Pawar, President PDEA Pune'




'Village Survey Ghonshet Village'

'Village Survey Ghonshet Village'

'Village Survey Ghonshet Village'

About The Department

The Department of Geography was established in 1992 and Post Graduate course M.A./M.Sc. Geography was started in 2003. The department has Research center since 2012. Members of the staff are involved in research across a variety of subjects that reflect breadth and topicality of the discipline and make use of range of field, laboratory and library based methodologies and techniques.

The faculty of Geography at College generates and transmits knowledge and theory associated with the spatial system. These include the study of human and physical geography. The methods and interrelations between systems are taught at various levels of undergraduate and postgraduate classes. We are committed to the generation and transmission of geographic knowledge in the rich and varied forms that they assume. We make an effort to apply that knowledge appropriately. We incorporate geographic research, teaching and service in a way that is relevant to the theoretical and real-world problems and attempt for excellence in those pursuits.

The department is well-equipped with infrastructure facility for graduate, postgraduate and doctoral research courses. There is a GIS and Remote Sensing lab with the support of an adequate software base.

Geography is an important optional subject at undergraduate levels in the Arts faculty and postgraduate in Science and Arts Faculty. We Offer postgraduate courses of M.A./M.Sc. with a Geomorphology specialization.


Providing quality Geographical education to the student at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research level and equip them with skills for research and profession.


To Provide high quality Geographical education through teaching and research to students and equipping them to master the concepts in Geography and apply successfully to real world problems.

To provide students with competency to handle quality equipments in Geography to ignite their interest in cutting edge research areas.

To create quality infrastructure in the department for meeting the above mission.

Undergraduate Course

Name of The Programme

B.A. Geography


3 Years Annual Pattern


F.Y.B.A., S.Y. B.A Geography., http://collegecirculars.unipune.ac.in/sites/documents/Syllabus2021/TYBA%20(Geography)_22.07.2021.pdf

University Syllabus

 Postgraduate Course

Name of the Programme          

M.A./M.Sc. Geography


2 Years (Credit System)


MA/MSc Part I , MA/MSc Part II


Name of the programme                            



 Ph.D. Minimum-3 Year




  • Short term Course on basic of Travel and Tourism.

Teaching Methods

 Studying Geography at the Department of Geography, Prof. Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi, will learn from a wide variety of teaching methods:


Lecture Methods                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • There are four lectures per week for each class of F.Y., S.Y and T.Y. B. A.  Total Duration per lecture is 48 minutes for the theory course as well for MA/MSc four lectures per week for the theory course, with the total duration per lecture, is of 60 minutes.           

 Laboratory Work                                                                                                    

  • There is a practical course assigned to the second and third years of study. The second and third-year undergraduates will have one practical course. During practical work, students will perform only one practical per week for each practical course. For PG students there is well-equipped soil and remote sensing lab.

ICT in Geography Teaching                                                                                        

  • Geography Department has an LCD projector. The department has a separate computer lab with the necessary GIS software.
  • PowerPoint presentations are used for teaching purposes. Video lectures on different concepts in Geography. Videos of landforms, natural processes and maps are shown to the students.

Google Classroom                                                                                               

  • Google classroom facility is used by the faculty. Students are enrolled in google classroom. Course syllabus, Teaching-learning material, maps, assignments, project reports, and PowerPoint presentations are shared through google classroom. Students also share their work through this classroom. 
  • Google Classroom

FYBA A Div https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAzMjYyMjQ4Mzc4?cjc=7bwf346

FYBA B Div https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk3ODYyMjY0NjUy?cjc=ysvp75y

FYBA C Div  https://classroom.google.com/c/MTY3NTk5OTg2MDQw?cjc=xq7yntp

FYBA D Div https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjU5NzI1NzRa

Google Classroom S.Y.B. A.  S2 https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAzMTc2MzUwNzg1?cjc=4dbhtm5

Google Classroom S.Y.B. A.  S1   https://classroom.google.com/c/NDE1MDY0NTE4NTE3?cjc=i26cvbi

Google Classroom T.Y.B. A.  Geography of India (S3) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAzMTc2Mzc5Mzcx?cjc=xwuj73v

Google Classroom T.Y.B. A. PracticaL in Geography (S4) https://classroom.google.com/c/NTU4MTM4NTcwMTE0?cjc=qv3divw

Google Classroom T.Y.B. A. Skill Based Subject  Research Methodology https://classroom.google.com/c/NTU4MTQ3NTM1MTUz?cjc=2be5p4v

Google Classroom MA/MSC GEOGRAPHY PART I https://classroom.google.com/c/NTU4MTQ5NzM0MTgy?cjc=dqsugb3

Google Classroom MA/MSC GEOGRAPHY PART II https://classroom.google.com/c/NTAzMjYxNjk0NDc3?cjc=y5ltsnz


e-PG Pathshala - e- PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. Following is the link for e-PG Pathshala



Experiential Learning                                                                                        

  • Field trips are arranged for the students. Science exhibitions are arranged for the students. Geography Week is celebrated with various student-centric activities.
  • Hands-on experience of Practicals in Toposheet and Surveying by conducting village surveys to selected villages This is conducted by undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Conducting visits to the Indian Meteorological department weather station for undergraduate students to get the experience of working of a weather observatory.
  • We have dissertations for PG students, they prepare a dissertation project.
  • The questionnaire survey is conducted by students for collecting a sample of census data.
  • Arranging competitions like essay writing group discussions and ppt presentations on current geographical topics for creating awareness among students.
  • Conducting the Poster and Geographical Model exhibition during geography week every year in January month at the department level and college level to find out the skills and make them innovative students.
  • arranging guest lectures for students.
  • Conducting seminar presentations and group discussions for students on Current issues related to Geography.
  • We arrange different workshop for getting practical knowledge to students.
  • celebrating various days at the department level and College level.

Faculty Achievements

Prof. (Dr.) Suchitra Pardeshi - Successfully completed a Major Research Project Funded By ICSSR Impact of Floods on stream behavior, Agricultural Land use and it’s Repercussions in Upper Krishna basin Maharashtra.

Strength and Opportunities

Strength: -

  • Highly qualified faculty.
  • Research Centre in Geography (M.Phil. and Ph. D.)
  • ICT teaching with the use of LCD, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • UGC and BCUD funded research projects.
  • IIRS Outreach programme
  • Add-on course on basic of Travel and Tourism
  • Placement, Guidance, Co-Curricular activities
  • Remedial teaching and Mentor system
  • Organization of study tours, field visits & Village survey
  • Faculty members involved in Syllabus revision workshop for B. A.
  • Faculty as member of Syllabus framing and restructuring Committee for MA/M.Sc.
  • Faculty involved in participation in Credit system workshop for MA/MSc
  • Faculty publish papers in Peer-Reviewed journals

 Opportunities: -

  • Organizing National and International conferences.
  • Funding from UGC for research projects.
  • Increase the involvement of research activities in problems relevant to society.
  • To increase research facilities, infrastructure and area.
  • More Add on Courses
  • More MOUs

Future Plan

  • To start more Career Oriented/ Short term courses.
  • To develop linkages with institutes of National and International repute.
  • To seek major GIS-based research projects of interdisciplinary nature.
  • To seek National and International Collaborations
  • To conduct Exchange Programmes for faculty and students.
  • To initiate consultancy in surveying and tourism.
  • To strengthen nature club activity through various programmes related to environmental awareness and water-related issues