Welcome To Economics Department

'SET NET Workshop '

'Economics Department'

'Budget workshop '

'Basic Course in Stock Market'

'Economic Conference'

'Faculties of Department of Economics'

About Department

Department of Economics was established in 1992 & Post Graduate courses from 2003. The department of Economics is a recognized research centre in Economics. The Department of Economics recognizes the growing demand for trained manpower in industry, Banking, Insurance, Government and other sectors as well as the need for basic research in economics. 

The Department is in the process of increasing its research base, conduct public lectures and seminars for professionals as well as common people.

The Department offers a two year post-graduate course in economics (M.A),  one and half years M.Phil programme, partly by papers and partly by research in Economics and Ph.D. in Economics.

  • Under Graduate started       : 1992
  • Post Graduate                     : 2003
  • Research M. Phil.                 : 2005
  • Research Centre Ph.D.         : 2008
  • Advance use of MS Excel      : 2012
  • Basic Corse in Stock Market  : 2018


Providing quality education of Economics at undergraduate, postgraduate, M.Phil and Ph.D.  level           


To Provide high quality Economics education through teaching and research to students and equipping them to master the concepts in Economics and apply successfully to real world problems.


  • Library: The department has library having 215 books
  •  Internet facilities for Staff & Students: The department has internet facility for staff and students    
  • Class rooms with ICT facility the department will be having virtual classroom 

Syllabus : 

Name of the Program            BA Economics MA Economics M. Phil  Ph. D. 
Duration                                 3 Years  2- years 1 - years 3- Years
Syllabus                                  F. Y. B. A. S.Y.B.A. T.Y.B.A. M.A I, MA II  M. Phil  

 Teaching Methods:                                                                        

The faulty of the Department of economics, Prof. Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi, uses following teaching methods

Lecture Method                                                                                                     

Four lectures of 48 minutes each are scheduled per week for an undergraduate class of students per course. In case of post graduate students, a lecture of two hours twice a week per course are scheduled

Practical method

In case of banking and finance courses of second year and third year undergraduate students, three practical courses in two terms each. The students can get practical knowledge of the theoretical subjects due to this practical course.

Experiential Learning                                                                                         

Visits to the industries and various organizations and institutions are organized for the students, Poster exhibition is organized, where the students prepare posters on various economics issues  

Use of ICT in the department of Economics

ICT resources                                                                          

The department of economics has LCD projector and white board. PowerPoint presentations are used while teaching.

e-PG Pathshala 

e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. Following is the link for e-PG Pathshala

              Link:  Economics courses from inflibnet

Students can download notes and vedio lectures from this link


Google Classroom                                                                    

Google classroom method is used by the faculty. Students join this classroom. Hand written Study material, Power Point presentations, video clips, the interviews of the economists on You tube are shared through google classroom. The classwork is given to the students in the google classroom Students also share their work in the classroom. Google Classroom (LINK OF CLASSROOM)         

Link to Classroom: Economics Google Classroom                                                          

Future Plans of the Department:

The department is in the process of increasing its research base, conduct public lectures & seminars for professionals as well as common people.