Mathematics Department Research

International Conference at Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Boston, USA

Presentation at MIT, Boston USA

Department Research

Faculty members of Department of Mathematics are actively involved in research in the area of applied mathematics and mathematics education.

Paper presentation in the International Conferences

Tapare S U; Understanding of Undergraduate students of Calculus in Co-operative learning using CES' In the  ‘The Sixth International Conference of MIT’s Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC)-2013’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston USA, 16/06/2013 to 19/6/2013   Link

Department Publication

Research Papers in Journals


  1. Tapare S U, Kulkarni S R; Investigation of conceptual understanding of undergraduate students regarding to function and its various representations, International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA) ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 5 No. III (May, 2011), pp. 297-309
  2. Tapare S U, Kulkarni S R; Investigation of difficulties in learning limit and continuity of functions by conventional teaching method, Shikshanateel Marmadrishti ISSN 0976-0385 Vol. 4 No. III (Oct, 2012), pp. 55-59
  3. Tapare S U, Kulkarni S R; Teaching & Learning of limit and continuity of Functions by using Calculus Education Software, Shikshanateel Marmadrishti ISSN 0976-0385 Vol. 4 No. IV (Jan, 2013), pp.
  4. Tapare S U, Kulkarni S R; Teaching and Learning the Function Concept and Its Various Representations Using Calculus Education Software (CES), IJAMPISSN: 0974-8059 Vol. 4, No. 2, July-December 2013, pp. 83-91
  5. Tapare S U, Kulkarni S R; Effectiveness of Conceptual understanding of Continuity using CES in Cooperative Learning , Bulletin of the Marathwada Mathematical Society ISSN 0976-6049 Vol. 2 No. 2, 2014, pp. 97-105
  6. Dr. Madhukar M. Palve (2016)  “ The Application of Operations Research Techniques to Finance Sector ” Published in International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (IRJMS) March, 2016, Vol - 2, Issue - 3 Page No. 1 - 4, ISSN No 2454-8499
  7. Dr. Madhukar Palve (2016) “Several Outcomes on Prime Labeling of Families of Graphs ” Published in International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (IRJMS) February, 2016, Vol - II, Issue -II Page No. 11-13, ISSN No 2454-8499
  8. Dr. Madhukar Palve (2016) “Digraphs of nxn(0,1)-Matrix is Isomorphic to Dn,k Under Certain Condition ” Published in the proceeding of  4th National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Applications and Computational Mathematics, January ,2016 Page No. 1-3, ISBN No. 978-93-81765-55-5
  9. Dr. Madhukar M. Palve (2016) “Learning Concepts of Mathematics Using Geogebra at the College Level ” Published in International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (IRJMS) January, 2016, Vol - II, Issue - I Page No. 1-5, ISSN No 2454-8499
  10. Dr .Madhukar M. Palve (2015) “ The Number of Directed Graphs with circuits of Length k ” Published in the International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE ISO 9001-2008 Certified Journal) December, 2015, Vol.5, Issue 12, Page No. 196-198, ISSN No. 2250 – 2459
  11. M.M. Palve and Dr. N.D. Sangle (2013) “Some Important Techniques of Effective Teaching in Mathematics for Graduate Students” Published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) January, 2013, Vol-I, Issue 10 (II) Page No. 125-128, ISSN No 2277 – 9302
  12. M. M. Palve and Dr. N. D. Sangle (2012) “Evaluating Shortest Distance Among Drug Stores  of Pimpri Chinchwad in Pane District Using Some Mathematical Algorithms” Published in the International Journal of of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)  May, 2012, Vol.-I, Issue 2(I), Page No. 159-161, ISSN No 2277-9302
  13. M.M. Palve and Dr. N.D. Sangle (2012)“Giving Solutions to Difficulties of Pharma Retailers Using Some Mathematical Methods” Published in the  Knowledge News an International Journal of Ideas, January, 2012, S.No.1, Vol. 2, Page No. 109 - 111, ISSN No. 2231-0150
  14. M.M. Palve (2012) “Innovative Ideas of Effective Teaching in Mathematics for Undergraduate Students ” presented in the State Level Seminar at  Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts Commerce and Science College Akurdi, Pune and B.C.U.D, University of Pune on February, 2012.
  15. M.M. Palve and Dr. N.D. Sangle (2011) “Finding Economical Situation of Pharmacists of Pimpri Chinchwad in Pune District Using Some Mathematical Methods” Published in the International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences (IJAMTES) December, 2011, Vol. I, Issue 3(III), Page No. 37-40, ISSN No. 2249 – 7455
  16. M. M. Palve and Dr. N. D. Sangle (2011) “Economical Analysis of Pharmacists using Mathematical Tools at Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune (Maharashtra)” Published in the International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences on “Management, Technology and Engineering Science (IRSEMTES -11) Nov 2011, Vol.-I, Issue 3 (III) Page No. 110-113, ISSN No 2249 – 7463

Paper presentation in International Conferences

Tapare S U; Understanding of Undergraduate students of Calculus in Co-operative learning using CES' In the  ‘The Sixth International Conference of MIT’s Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC)-2013’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston USA, 16/06/2013 to 19/6/2013